Sample Volume

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In order to assist you with providing an appropriate amount of sample, please refer to the table below. If the test you require does not appear on this list, or you do not have the sample volume required, please feel free to give us a call on (08) 9225 5810 or email


Analysis Minimum sample size
7 day Corrosive to Metals 500g
Angle of Repose 2000g**
Ash content 100g
Carbon analysis 50g
Carbonate analysis 50g
Chloride titration (Mohrs) 100mL*
Corrosive to metals 150g
Density (Absolute – He pycno.) 100g**
Density (Bulk – ASTM2854-’89) 500g**
Density (Tap/tamped) 500g**
Differential thermal analysis 100g
Dissolution test – Environmental 50g
Dissolution test – Gambles solution 50g
Dissolution test – Stomach Acid (US EPA) 50g
Flammability 1500g**
Loss on ignition (1000C) 50g
Moisture Content 100g
Particle counting (Hiac/Royco) 250mL*
Particle sizing – laser diffraction 50g/100mL*
Particle sizing – laser diffraction in solvent 50g/100mL*
Particle sizing – Sedigraph 50g/100mL*
pH measurement 10g/50mL
RFS 250g
Self-heating 3000g**
SEM Microanalysis 5g
SEM Photography 5g
Sieving – dry 25g
Sieving – wet 25g
Sieving – Wet (10 Sizes) 50g
Specific gravity (SG) of a slurry 200mL
Surface area – 3 point BET 10g
TML 2000g**
Total suspended solids (TSS) 500mL*
X-ray diffraction (qualitative) 10g
X-ray diffraction (quantitative) 10g
X-ray diffraction (semi-quantitative) 10g
X-ray fluorescence 20g
*Volume required will vary with concentration
**Mass required will vary with density
NOTE: Sample volumes are the minimum for an ideal analysis. If insufficient sample is available then we may be able to modify the procedure to complete the analysis
  • NATA
  • ILAC
  • Australian Institute of Petroleum
  • Australian X-Ray Analytical Association
  • Royal Australian Chemical Institute
  • Telstra Business Awards